MIM7 - Places
OASC MIM7: Places
MIM7 aims to provide Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms related to geospatial data, to tackle the challenge faced by cities and communities of being able to integrate and transfer data between internal and external IT systems. It also takes into account the fact that spatial assets need to be accessed as linked data by many IT- and IoT-systems, and over a long period of time, and thus the vital role of the use of persistent identifiers.
To enable cities and communities to easily integrate data about spatial assets such as streetlights, buildings, and streets with spatio-temporal data from sensors, along with other data sources that can provide helpful context information to the geospatial data, and make the data interoperable within, and between cities and communities.
This integration should be made possible across technologies and vendors.
Capabilities and Requirements
C1: Cities and communities can easily transfer geospatial data between internal and external (including IoT-related) IT systems.
R1: Geospatial data shall be exposed through a standards-based web service interface.
C2: Cities and communities can integrate 2D and 3D geospatial data coming from a variety of sources, for example geodata and building information models.
R2: Use only open standards-based encoding such as OGC and bSI standards. Ideally spatially related historical data in proprietary formats should be transformed into open standards based encoding.
C3: Cities and communities can share 2D and 3D geospatial data within, and between them in an interoperable way.
R3: Use only open standards for encoding of geospatial data.
C4: Cities and communities can integrate geospatial data with other data that can provide further information about the context.
R4: All data sets used shall comply with MIM1 and MIM2.
C5 - Cities and communities have a consistent and persistent way of describing individual instances of all features, things or entities included in the geospatial data sources.
R5: All data sets used should follow the requirements of MIM2 on identifiers. In other words, "Unique and persistent identifiers shall be used to identify particular instances of any entity used in data sets, and the type of identifier used shall be made explicit. It is recommended that these follow the work of W3C in the data on the web best practice or the requirements of the Inspire directive data specifications, chapter 14 Identifier management".
Requirements and Mechanisms
R1 - Geospatial data shall be exposed through a standards-based web service interface.
Data is shared through OGC WFS.
R2 - Use only open standards-based encoding such as OGC and bSI standards. Ideally spatially related historical data in proprietary formats should be transformed into open standards based encoding.
GML and GeoJSON formats are used for OGC standards and IFC format is used for bSI standards.
R3 - Use only open standards for encoding of geospatial data
Geospatial encoding such as GeoJSON, GML, GeoPackage are used (but not CityGML nor CityGeoJSON).
R4. All data sets used shall comply with MIM1 and MIM2.
R5. All data sets used should follow the requirements of MIM2 on identifiers. In other words, "Unique and persistent identifiers shall be used to identify particular instances of any entity used in data sets, and the type of identifier used shall be made explicit. It is recommended that these follow the work of W3C in the data on the web best practice or the requirements of the Inspire directive data specifications, chapter 14 Identifier management".
R1 - Geospatial data shall be exposed through a standard-base web service interface
Data is shared through OGC API Features and OGC SensorThings API.
R2 - Use only open standards-based encoding such as OGC standards and bSI Standards. Ideally spatially related historical data in proprietary formats should be transformed into open standards based encoding.
For OGC Standards – OGC API Features are used.
For bSI Standards - IfcOpenShell IFC authoring API and BFC Programming Interfaces (BFC API) are used.
R3 - Use only open standards for encoding of geospatial data.
Geospatial encoding such as GeoJSON, GML, GeoPackage, CityGML and CityJSON are used.
R4. All data sets used shall comply with MIM1 and MIM2.
R5. All data sets used should follow the requirements of MIM2 on identifiers. In other words, "Unique and persistent identifiers shall be used to identify particular instances of any entity used in data sets, and the type of identifier used shall be made explicit. It is recommended that these follow the work of W3C in the data on the web best practice or the requirements of the Inspire directive data specifications, chapter 14 Identifier management".
Interoperability between Mechanisms
For Standards-based geospatial encoding such as GeoJSON, GML, GeoPackage and CityGML shared through OGC WFS
A proxy OGC API could be considered on top of the OGC WFS service
Interoperability guidance
Proofs of Concepts of various methodologies to align data related to geo-spatial issues complying with different sets of standards have been developed by different stakeholders.
These will be generalised and developed into practical guidance for the next version of MIM7.
Conformance and compliance testing
Simple tests on whether a data set or a service conforms to some of the MIM7 Requirements have been developed. For details of how to use these contact OASC.
Further tests are being developed to check conformance with the Requirements in more detail.
As Interoperability Guidance is developed, further tests will be developed to demonstrate how well specific data sets or services, based on different sets of relevant standards, have been aligned.
The feasibility of developing an Abstract Test Suit (ATS) for validating the identified and agreed requirements of MIM-7 will be elaborated*. *See an example of what might be done here: https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/gp-ogc-api-features/blob/master/spec/oapif-inspire-download.md#req-pre-defined